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[[margin]] Core #14 4500-4525 (& see above) [[/margin]]

4.25 AM.
Recovered 29 pieces oriented core. 8 Ft = 37% recovery. All but [[strikethrough]] la [[/strikethrough]]bottom 6 inches a fine grained dolomitic sandstone. Last six inches a soft - coarse grained dolomite in a [[strikethrough]] chalky [[/strikethrough]] silty matrix. Dense chunks or pebbles of [[strikethrough]]al[[/strikethrough]] creamy white dolomite included. Five pieces (all less than 1 inch diam.) of green dolomite with many white (effervescent in acid) smaller foraminifera. Decide to core immediately next 25 ft.

Notes on the core.

Four distinct lithologic types are recognized in 8 ft of core.

1) Nearly 7 1/2 feet is a fine grained dolomitic sandstone. Much of it is recrystallized. Minute dodecohedral (?) crystals. Many clear crystalline grains with no crystal faces apparent. Rare rocklike algae (?). Many |if not all| smaller forams, most of them recrystallized. [[strikethrough]] Mollusk shell with surface reminiscent of [[underlined]] astarte [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] ostroa [[/underlined]] (16th oriented core from top, upper surface). [removed to bottle]
