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Yesterday in lakes saw a heron and several yellow legs, but neither day could get shot at them, very wary, jumped into flight at least provocation. Today by duck's nest saw a phalarope. Sat down under tree to watch duck's nest, but ducks did not come back. Iguana half under rock. Rain kept me from taking picture of its ostrich-like hiding of head and forepart of body; save a few leaves of trees. Got back hour before supper, 5 p.m.

April 10, forenoon. Went back to "lakes" with Freddie and Baron so they might photo ducks; no chance at yellow legs today either. On way back caught iguana for Freddy to be photo'd with. Skirmished around by myself a while, believe I got a shot at a Tropidurus lizard. 

On way back to ship met Hanson, the movie operator, coming back along goat trail paralleling northern bluff of low land back of Aeolian Bay. He told me of a duck's nest he happened upon and almost stepped on over by other lakes near eastern shore of island; so after lunch I prevailed upon him to wander back with me and show it to me. Dark and drizzling, but, nevertheless, tried a few shots (lucky I did because I did not get back). Saw Geospiza nest with bird flying in and out feeding young? and great goat assembly place. Can lakes over here be permanent? [I doubt it.]

Wind: SW 2-1-2-3-2-1.
Temp.: (a) 78-90. (b) 75-85. (c).
Weather: [[strikethrough]] CD [[/strikethrough]] C-D-C-BC D-P (20 p.m.) - C

[[underlined]] April 11, [[/underlined]] forenoon, Friday. With Captain Picking and Lynch walked north across higher land at Camp at Aeolian Bay, along western shore and beaches of South Seymour to N.W. promontory where signal was planted (No.2). First was on sand beach (No. 1 flag) about half way to point. Then angled across to north edge of high land and in goat trail along it to N.W. point. After planting this, walked to edge of this higher land and angled across