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[[underlined]] April 15, Tuesday, 1941. [[/underlined]] I did like the spirit of the men who had made the hike of Sunday and return Monday.  Everybody was willing, but without compass it was a futile proceeding. 

Anyway, this a.m., four of them went inland with me over new trail we cut inland from head of lagoon which Ri[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]der found opened up a pretty open country (W.W. Collins, Mr. G. Snell, R. G. Cook, B. E. Rider).  We got quite a ways inland and returned at 11 a.m. to ship for lunch in beginning of rain which started in in earnest at noon.  We discovered [[strikethrough]]ec[[/strikethrough]] extensive fresh water pools beyond salt lagoons quite palatable water of which I drank half a glass of it from canteen full I brought back to ship. 

It rained off and on, brisk showers all afternoon, every pot and pan aboard collected water, and everybody took personal bath out in rain and washed clothes.  C.P.O. Young estimated that at least 200 gals. rainwater was collected by little awning  bet. 12:30 and 6 p.m..  (Awning is perhaps 40 feet long by 9 wide at one end, 12 at other.)

At 4:20 put out a cracker tin took in 7 a.m. on 16th but most of rain had fallen in previous afternoon.  Got 1 inch in bottom.  Rained from 1 p.m. till after 10 p.m. (5-3/4" inside dia. "Oven fresh saltines by Keebler". Net wt. 16 oz. Keebler Weyl Baking Co., Phila., Pa.)

This a.m. we walked inland for about 3 hrs, including trail blazing, got back in 30 minutes ±.

Crew got herring-like fish, Opisthonemus with gig at electric light.  Ashore got a blue crab, soft, in lagoon.  Tried for pelican picture.

Wind: S. 1-2, N.W. 2, E. 2, S.E. 2 most of time.
Temperature: (a) 78-91 (b) 75-85
Weather: BC. C C C C  BC C CP (19 & 20 p.m.) - OR (21-24)

0735 party ashore.