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One of sub captains, all of whom had been invited, brought along a lot of grand apple pies, some of us had two slabs (six cuts, Navy regulations so Captain Picking said, to the pie). There was ice water in jugs and coffee too. Sat around bonfire in the dark for quite a while and enjoyed starlit night and mosquitoes. But it was a good, well fed, congenial party. I wouldn't have missed it for a very great deal. 

Wind:  S.E. 2, E.S.E. 2, S.E. 3., S. 3-2-1.
Temperature (a) 80-93  (b) 75-82  (c)
Weather:  B - BC - BC   C  C   CP (15-16 p.m.)   C.C.C.

0740 Searching party ashore. 

[[underlined]] April 19, James Bay. [[/underlined]] Up as usual at 6:30, breakfast at 7, ashore 7:30. Captain, Commander, and I went to look at an inscription sailor off "44" had found day before, four lines and arrow pointing down on side of about largest tree on height or level high ground to left north of lagoon beach.  While they looked for 15-20 mins. I went looking for herons nest that man (Tolman or Coleman) of Davidson sub had found on larger, north lagoon in tree overhanging water, scarcely 2 feet off water, but did I have job locating it, with general directions given me (sub left at 9 a.m. and so I could not have the man to direct me). For a long time I wandered about under mangroves and it was mean travelling, then I waded around in water outside of mangrove fringe and still could not find anything. Saw a Geospiza nest high up in tree with few egg [[strikethrough]]sehll[[/strikethrough]] shell fragments, apparently still moist or with something edible in them, as they were covered with flies.  A^[[t]] first thought it was the nest, but after I photo'd heron with plums out of back of head and a shorter legged, heavier billed and bodied one and had about given [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] up I found the real place described to be and flushed one (or the very) stocky heron out of a tree with some noise.  Took me a while even then to discover