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too, water supplies were examined. For the first time in several visits to Cocos Island did I see any of the reputedly heavy rains, and I can now attest that they do come down with full tropical intensity, though they are of comparatively short duration. Saturday, the 26th, was our last day at Cocos, and I took advantage of the opportunity to obtain additional seeds of the [[strikethrough]] la [[/strikethrough]] rare [[underline]] Rooseveltia [[/underline]] palm.

From Cocos we made a quick run back to Balboa, where we arrived at 7 o'clock the morning of the 30th. Here Captain Picking and I had a conference with Admiral F. H. Sadler. From the latter I learned that, although the Navy has permission from the Ecuadorian government to establish an air and submarine base in the Galapagos, they would make no move until necessary, and that any pioneering in the way of setting up an establishment in thos islands would have to be done by us if done at all. As valuable as Navy facilities would be to our undertaking, this was, nevertheless, good news, for it would enable us to locate the laboratory at [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]]^[[insertion]] what [[/insertion]] is now considered the most favorable site, which Captain Picking has determined to be on the south shore of North Seymour Island where it fronts Indefatigable. Between the two islands is a comparatively narrow channel which, by virtue of reefs across each end, has been transformed into a wonderfully well protected, landlocked basin, entirely free from swells. This he has designated the South Channel Basin. It is the place that he has recommended to the Navy in his report to Admiral Sadler, and where both he and Admiral Sadler say we are free to locate if we will keep to one or the other end of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] this particular site. The water is so quiet here that one can anchor alongside of the rocks, though a small dock should be built for the sake of convenience. Captain Picking has kindly furnished me