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April 21
beginning 3 p.m showers which at 6 oclock were very heavy poured buckets full down off awning over long part "circle decks" yes bucketsfull easily an inch of rain.

Very wet winter this year

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In afternoon of 20th over to mangrove Pt & thence north along coast to N.E. Pt where more mangroves & sand beaches & where Hancock [[photod?]] wreck of some years ago. Was raining over hasborough[[?]] whole time mostly in mid. distance from shore.

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April 2[[strikethrough]]0 [[/strikethrough]]1


In A.M. ran up as far as Black [[Beals?]] just north of Jagus Hill looking for penguins.  Then ran south along coast south of Jagus cove to lava flow from large crater we climbed into half way down much as marked on chart seemed water "hole"?" Capt says he saw about 10 penguins I thought only about 3. Marine iguans not north of cove , but a considerable number scattered along shore south of Cove.

All live seemed very scarce around Cove

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Transcription Notes:
Pt for point?