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[[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]]Friday[[/strikethrough]]
Apr. 27 cont'd.
Force fed seals this p.m. right after lunch [[image - hourglass shape drawing]]

I designed mouth gag. [[image -rectangle 8 in & 2in written on bottom & right side, respectively; circle in center 7"x3"]]
Baron contributed idea of using grease gun & Medico furnished rectal tube & jab of putting 
it in seal stomach.
The ground fish water cod liver oil milk & water
Palm. = 25 3/4 in. dia. [[few?]] [[feet?]] above base 48 feet to leave separation
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Apr. 28 [[inserted]] Monday [[/inserted]]rain from 6:20 on & off all day; light showers; on good roll about 9 a.m. empty dish locker on deck but fortunately only broke a few. Otherwise quiet & peaceful day got some of junk packed
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Almost all packed but clothes. Seal questions Otaria vs Phoca. Arctocephalus

Seals stomach fed but worry one another to death nuzzling & trying to nurse.
Very heavy rain this am. from bout 6.20.