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[[top right box with 4 stacked horizontal lines]]
[[preprinted]]TR.MK. REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. [[//preprinted]]

One stop is two times exposure distance between any two adjacent settings of the regular stop Series f/ 2. 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16
[[wavy line across page]]

Send pictures, Santa Cruz; to Mrs G.F. Young, 238 Melrose Ave Bethesda, Md.
[[wavy line across page]]

[[?]] rain day & night for 2 months
heaviest in 10 years [[insertion]]there was [[/insertion]]a lake an acre in sight below house
[[?]] wants.
Danish Cabbage
Brussels Sprouts
Onions & Beets
[[box]] Indefatigoble Air photos
Run 11 and Run 12
Culpepper Run 37
Troco Houses
Hospital Extension
Sea Scout Engine 4 cyl. [[/box]

[[preprinted left side]] 10 LEFAX. PHILADELPHIA, PA. MADE IN U.S.A. ORIGINAL COPR. 1910 by J.C. PARKER [[/preprinted]]