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1 bottle material fresh water pools on South Seymour Id
[[strikethrough]] #25 [[/strikethrough]] Apr. 9 - [[strikethrough]] 25 fms [[/strikethrough]]
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South Seymour needle fish [[inserted]] Apr. 8 [[/inserted]] Tropidurus [[strikethrough]] on tree [[/strikethrough]] (shelf fungus]] [[inserted]] Apr. 10 [[/inserted]])
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Apr. 4, 1941 Salinas, Ecuador
Reef collecting # [[?]]-1941
[[short line]]
James [[strikethrough]] Id. [[/strikethrough]] Bay Apr. 18, 1941 (formalin) lot of fungi,  1 flower plant

[[left curly bracket]] James Bay Tropidurus [[grash?]] (may be South Seymour?) fish.

Eeel only South Seymour [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] caught by camping party  Apr. 11 brought me by [[Euco.?]] [[left curly bracket]]
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4 hermits (3 Blanch Beach)
(1 S. Seymour, north of [[Aeel?]]
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1 Jar full of hermits April 17, 1941 James Bay under Cowan Rock
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1 Bottle, land shells James Bay, Cowan rock April 18/41
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