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[[1/4 page form]]
[[preprinted at top, centered, bold, large print]]
Application--Bladenburg Union.
[[handwritten after above text]] 1934
[[preprinted, small text]]
City or Town:  State:  Month:  Date:  Year:
[[preprinted line for information entry]]
[[under "State" heading, handwritten]]
[[under "Month" "Date" and "Year" heading, handwritten]]
Dec.   14   1903
[[preprinted under above line, italic, small text first line indented]]
I hereby make application for admission into the Bladensburg Union.
Age last birthday [[entry line]] years.
[[handwritten on above entry line]] 30
[[preprinted signature line, small print, right justified]]
[[preprinted under signature line, italic]]
Name of Applicant
[[preprinted double line across page width matching margins]]
[[handwritten on double line under "Name of Applicant"]]
Cecil H. Scott
[[preprinted under double line, italic, small print, indented]]
This certified that the above named applicant is in reasonably good health.
[[preprinted signature line with ", M.D." at end, right justified]]
[[handwritten signature on above line]]
Nelson M. Thomas
[[handwritten under signature line]]
1820- S St N.W.