Viewing page 2 of 32

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[inside front cover]]
[[hand written text; page in severe condition]]
[[upside down]] Blade[[?]]ss
Ph[[elelly?]]  [[/upside down]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[hand written text in bad condition]]
July 31 1876
[[?]]dent [[?]] [[?]] + [[?]] see of to Him
Acct [[?]] Hollin Build [[?]]aeBear 
[[?]] [[?]] Pr.C Moss
[[?]] Ron Thekolis Sanders Plummer
H. V. Plummer
T[[erry?]] M[[ogehel?]]
Tirye for Warman S[[ue?]] m [[?]]ty
T[[ernes?]] Si fretel Moorehel

[[upside down]] 
May 1881
[[/upside down]] 
[[page end]]

Transcription Notes:
I believe this may be a list of names; I recognize Plummer and Moss from other pages.