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[[preprinted]]58 59[[/preprinted]]

June 2nd 1879 Due June 2. June July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May Funeral Tax   
        171  75

35  Latham Maria .25 25 25 25 25 25 [[strikethrough]] 25 [[/strikethrough]] 50 25 25 25 25 25 100
36  Matthews Sarah A. .25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 
37  Mason W[[m with two dashes below it?]] .25 [[strikethrough]] 25 [[/strikethrough]] 50 50 25 50 50 25 25
38  Mason Frannie .25 50 50 25 50 50 25 25
39  Mofs John .50  25 25 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 25
40  Mofs Reuben [[g?]]r .50  25 25 25 25 25 75 25 25
41  Plummer H.V. .50 25 [[strikethrough]] 50 [[/strikethrough]] 25 25 25  50  50    75 25 25 
42  Plummer Julia .50 [[strikethrough]] 25 [[/strikethrough]] 25 [[strikethrough]] 50 [[/strikethrough]] 25 25 50  
[[strikethrough]] 25 [[/strikethrough]]   50 75 25 25
43  Plummer Maggie 1.50 50 50 [[strikethrough]] 25 [[/strikethrough]] 25 25 50
44  Plummer S. Nicholas .75 25 25 25 50 [[35?]] 50 25 
[[strikethrough]] 75 [[/strikethrough]] 75
45  Plummer Robert .50 25 50 150 25 25
46  Peterson Emma 2[[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]]35 250 
47  Pollard Jane .50 50 50 50 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 
48  Phillips W[[m with two dashes below it?]] .75 75 [[written sideways]] 125 75 25 50 75
49  Rofs John 25 50 50 25 25 50 25 
50  Rofs Lucy [[written sideways]]120 125 25 50 50 50 50 50 25
51  Redd Wellington 1.25 [[written sideways]]100 [[strikethrough]] 25 [[/strikethrough]]50 100 25 25 25 25 25 25
52  Redd Francis 1.00 [[written sideways]]75 50 100 25 25 25 25 25 25
53  Turner Charles .25 50 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25
54  Turner Amelia .25 50 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25
55  Turner Charles Jr. 1.00 [[written sideways]]100 125 50 100 25 25 25 50 25 25 50
56  Turner Eluertine 1.00 [[written sideways]]100 100 100 50 25 100 25
57  Taylor Charles+ [[written sideways]]75 75 [[strikethrough]] 50 [[/strikethrough]]^[[strikethrough]] 50 
[[/strikethrough]] 50 25 25 50 25 50 
58  Taylor Stenretta+ [[written sideways]].75 75 [[strikethrough]] 50 [[/strikethrough]] 50 25 25 50 25 50 
59  Wallace Uriah 325 225 200 
60  Wallace Margret 325 225 200 
61  Willis Jennie [[written sideways]]175 100 50 125 50
62  Wright Sarah [[written sideways]]100 |75| [[strikethrough]] 100 [[/strikethrough]]^[[strikethrough]] 125 
[[/strikethrough]] 50 50 75 25 75 25
63  Wright Laura 110 25 175 
Sept 1[[8]]79  64 Fannie Bowie 25 25 50 25 100 
65  Patsey Bowie [[written sideways]]75 25 100 50 
66  Issac Bowie 50 25 [[strikethrough]] 75 [[/strikethrough]] [[written sideways]]685 25 [[strikethrough]] 20 [[/strikethrough]]25 25
67  Or.[[m with two dashes below it?]] Redd 1.00 1[[5?]]0 25 25 25 25 25
68  Nellie A. Plummer 100 100
69  Thomas Ruffin 175 25 

Transcription Notes:
separate pages not indicated (as the chart continues across the second page)