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(1879          [[?]]2. june. july. aug. sept. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. april may.) funeral tax
         1 Bell Willie 120 20 10
{dropped}2 Clark [[Emma]] J. 290 198     10
         3 Graither [[stevry]] 20  10  10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
         4 Graither Charles      20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
         5 [[Grasaway]] Charles  10  10 10 10 10 20  90  30 10
         6 Greenleaf Lucy 200 [[/STRIKETHROUGH 80]]180 25 25
{dropped}7 Howard Thomas 320 210+        10      
         8 Holland Richd. 130 60         10  10 10  20 20
         9 Holland [[Dallas]] 170[[/STRIKETHROUGH 170]] 100            10 10 10  20 20
        10 Holland [[Mamie]]      20  10  10  10 10 10 10 10 10 10
        11 Kent Prince 30 80 90 10   20    50
        12 Kent John 30 80 90 10    20     50
        13 Mason caroline  30 40 10  20 10 20 20 10 10
        14 Mason george    30 40 10  20 10 20 20 10 10   
        15 Minor Sarah 20 40 25           [[115]]
        16 Minor Jennie 20 80 25          155
        17 Minor Rosella 20 30 25          105 
        18 Plummer Adam 100 80 50       50 [[/STRIKETHROUGH ?]]
        19 Pollard John 190 [[/STRIKETHROUGH 180]]80 20
        20 Ruffin Willie        10 10 10 10 10 10  20  30 10
{Dropped}21 Redd Floretta 310 200+          10
{Dropped}22 Redd Alice 280 170              10  20 10 10
         24 Taylor Charles 90 50      20 10 10  20 10 10
         25 Taylor Minnie A. 90 50    20 10 10  20 10 10
         26 Taylor Virgil    90 50    20 10 10  20 10 20
         27 Wallace Adella 160 90     50
         28 Wallace Gertrude 150 80   50
         29 Wright Mary 50 30 20 [[?]]20[[?]]  30  10  30
{Sept.[[79]]}30 Lizzie M ofs       10 20 10 [[?]] 10 10
"       "31 Summer Plummer 70      10 '' '' '' ''''
"       "32 Gertrude Holland 30    10 20    20 10

Transcription Notes:
(vertical writing along the header lines)* {left margin} each number after the name corresponds to the vertical writing on the header (more or less)