Viewing page 23 of 83

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[[preprinted in blue]] 40 [[/preprinted in blue]]  
[[underlined]] 1894. [[/underlined]]

[[5 column table]]
| | | 184 40 | 156 54
April | 2 | To collection |  | 16 | 50 | | 
| |  Sexton | | 50
May | 7 | " [[ditto for: To]] Collection |  16 | 90 | 
| | " [[ditto for: To]] Sec. by order $10 to Sexton 50ยข | | 10 | 50
| | Rec'd of N.S. Plummer on his ac't $25. | 25 00 | 
[[Large l.  & r. parentheses connecting the two lines below]]  
| | " [[ditto for: To]] Funeral expenses & c of E. Jackson | | 36 | 00 
| | " [[ditto for: To]] Saml. Clark for digging grave  | | 2 | 00
June | | Rec'd of bro. N.S. Plummer in full settle- | |
| | ment of his ac't of $50 borrowed, ordered to | |
| | be part in this report, $25. | [[underlined]] 25 00 [[/underlinedd]] | [[blank underlinedd]]
| | Total receipts to close May 31st '94, | 267. 80 | 205 54
| | Total expenditures " " " [[dittos for: close May 31st '94,]] | [[underlined]] 205 54 [[/underlined]] | 
| | Total net gain |  62 26  | 
| | Amount brought forward ^ (from last report) | [[underlined]] 953 88 [[/underlined]]
 | | Total valuation treasury | [[double underlined]] $1016 14 [[/double underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted in blue]] 41 [[/preprinted in blue]]

[[5 column page table]]
Month | Date | Notes | Dr. | Cr. 
June | | Collection | 18 90 |
July | | Collection | 20 05
| | To Levi Sims | | 3 00
Aug | | Collection | 30 95 |
Sept | 3 | Collection | 17 80 |
Oct | 1 | Collection | 34 10 |
Nov | | " [[ditto for: Collection]] | 25 70 |
Dec | | " [[ditto for: Collection]] | 15 | 15 | |
Jan 6 | 95 | Richard Johnson | | 3 | 00 | |
Jan | 7 | Collection | | 19 | 70 | +3 | 00
| 19 | To Julia Plummer | | 6 | 00 | |
| 27 | " " [[dittos for: Julia Plummer]]  | | 3 | 00 | |
Feb |  4 | " " [[dittos for: Julia Plummer]] | | 3 | 00 | |
| | To Chas Fay Con. By special order | | 3 | 00 | |
| 18 | Julia Plummer | | 3 | 00 | |
| 25 | " " [[dittos for: Julia Plummer]] | | 3 | 00 | |
| | To W^m A Wigginton, by order, | | 30
Mar | 3 | Cotina Bumbry | | | 6 | 00 | |
| | |   | +3 00
| | To H Mall | | 3 | 00 | |
    |    | " [[ditto for: To]] F. Gasch, funeral & c Emory Kent |   | 34 00
    |    | Collection    | 21 40 |
    |    | To Chairman sick com. | [[blank underlined]] | [[underlined]]  30 [[/underlined]]

203 75 | 76 60

Transcription Notes:
Edited: added text denoted by ditto marks