Viewing page 27 of 83

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[[pre-printed]]48[[/pre-printed]] Expenditures

Annual Report to close of May 31st 1897

[[table with 8 columns]]

|              |Sick benefits|Funerals|[[Chir?]] sick|Sexton|Extras|Digging grave|Total|
|W. S. Ruffin  |15.00        |        |              |      |      |             |15.00|
|John Ross     | 3.00        |        |              |      |      |             | 3.00|
|Louisa Johnson| 6.00        |        |              |      |      |             | 6.00|
|Levi Sirus    | 6.00        |        |              |      |      |             | 6.00|
|Josephine Beckett|+3.00 3.00|        |              |      |      |             | 6.00|
|Julia Triplet | 6.00        |        |              |      |      |             | 6.00|
|Jos. Hutchins | 3.00        |        |              |      |      |             | 3.00|
|Thos. Jackson |18.00        |        |              |      |      |             |18.00|
|Fannie Bowie  |18.00        |        |              |      |      |             |18.00|
|Jerry Harmmond|18.00        |        |              |      |      |             |18.00|
|Hattie Fortune| 6.00        |        |              |      |      |             | 6.00|
|Chas. Taylor  |             |32.00   |              |      | 3.25 | 2.00        |37.25|
|Sexton (13 Meetings ^error of 50[[cents symbol]])| | | | 6.00|    |             | 6.00|
|Chairman Sick |             |        | 4.81         |      |      |             | 4.81|
|1 Torn coal   |             |        |              |      | 6.00 |             | 6.00|
|To draughting Incorporation ^{paper| 6.00        | | |     | 5.00 |             | 5.00|
|" Sec. by special order|    |        |              |      |15.00 |             |15.00|
|" 8 Regalias (43.50)|       |        |              |      |      |             |     |
|" 2 Trips to Wash. (.66)|            |              |      |44.16 |             |44.16|
|Totals, Expenditures,|123.00|32.00   | 4.81         | 6.00 |73.41 | 2.00        |241.22|
|Total receipts|             |        |              |      |      |             |279.50|
|              |             |        |              |      |      |             |241.22|
|Net gains for the year|     |        |              |      |      |             | 38.28|
|Brought forward from last report| |  |              |      |      |             |1207.04|
|Total amt in Treasury at close of May 31, '97.| | | |      |      |             |1245.32|
[[end of table]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[table with 9 columns]]
|Year|Adults|Children|Average Adults|Per capita valuation|Annual Receipts|Annual [[Exponditions?]]|Annual gain|Annual deficit|
Report closing each year May 31st
|1888|  69|  14|  76|$9.86|$190.80|148.50|42.30|     |
| '89|  65|  12|  71|11.41| 202.25|141.50|60.75|     |
| '90|  62|  14|  69|11.13| 204.30|246.44|     |42.14|
| '91|  61|  13|  68|10.61| 224.10|271.00|     |46.90|
| '92|  71|  14|  78|11.39| 247.09| 80.72|167.37|    |
| '93|  80|   7|  84|11.34| 268.05|202.81|65.24|     |
| '94|  79|  15|  87|11.67| 267.80|205.54|62.26|     |
| '95|  88|   9|  93|12.29| 247.05|119.60|127.45|    |
| '96|  86|   9|  91|13.26| 259.20|195.75|63.45|     |
| '97|  90|  11|  96|1343 12.97| 279.50|241.22|38.28| |
| '98|  96|  11| 102|12.54| 256.31|251.86|34.45|     | 1245 32 34 45   124532  34.45
| '99|  97|  12| 103|12.  | 296.79|183.75|113.04|    | 1279 77

[[end of table]]