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Condensed Report June 1st 1900 to May 31, 1901.

Sick Benefits


Julia Triplett  | $4
Frances Redd    |  6
Estelle Turner  |  9
Joseph Moss     | 12
Henry Moss      |  3
Mary Wheeler    |  3
Thomas Jackson  |  9
Sillie Holland by order |  6
Ruffin Willaiams Jr.  |  3
Anthony Bowie   | 15
                | $85
Incidentals     | $175.50
Total expenditure | $260.50

Monthly Dues 


$24.35 | June
20.60 | July
23.70 | Aug.
20.95 | Sept.
9.35 | Oct.
38.70 | Nov.
19.65 | Dec.
27.45 | Jan.
27.10 | Feb.
22.40 | March
20.50 | April
28.20 | May
Receipts .......... $282.95
Gain........... $ 22.45

Total amount in treasury May 31, 1900......... $1,417.76
           Plus gain of                   22.45
Amount in treasury, May 31, 1901...........$1,440.21

Nillie A.Plummer, Treasurer.

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[[start page]]

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June | 3 | To Monthly dues | | | | 37 | 20
" [[ditto for: June]] | " [[ditto for: 3]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton | | | 50 | |
" [[ditto for: June]] | " [[ditto for: 3]] | " [[ditto for: To]]Secretary | | 3 | | |
" [[ditto for: June]] | " [[ditto for: 3]] | " [[ditto for: To]]Chairman of Sick | | 1 | 15 | |
" [[ditto for: June]] | " [[ditto for: 3]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Anna Nokes | | 3 | | |

July | 1 | To Monthly dues | | | | 14.| 15
" [[ditto for: July]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton | .50 |
" [[ditto for: July]] | 11 | " [[ditto for: To]] Alice Gilbert | | 3 | | |
" [[ditto for: July]] | 15 | " " " [[dittos for: To Alice Gilbert]] | | 3 | | |
" [[ditto for: July]] | " [[ditto for: 15]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Jennie Riles | | 3 | | |

Aug. | 5 | To Monthly dues | | | | 35 | 15
" [[ditto for: Aug.]] | " [[ditto for: 5]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton | | | .50 | |
" [[ditto for: Aug.]] | " [[ditto for: 5]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Alice Gilbert | | 2 | | |
" [[ditto for: Aug.]] | 26 | " [[ditto for: To]] John Wigginton | | 6 | | |

Transcription Notes:
Edited: added text denoted by ditto marks per instructions