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[[preprinted in blue]] 76 [[/preprinted in blue]] 

April| 22 | To Frances Redd | | 3 | . | |
" [[ditto for: April]] | 29 | " [[ditto for: To]] | | 3 | . | |

May | 2 | To Monthly Dues | | | | 28 | .10
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 2]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton | | | 50 | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 2]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Chairman of Sick | | | | |
| | by order of the Union | | | | | 
| | for Sarah J. Servis | | 3 | . | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 2]] | Secretary | | 4 | . | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | 4 | To Frances Redd | | 4 | . | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 4]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Chairman of Sick for S. Lewis | | | | | 
| | by order of the President | | 2 | . | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 4]] | Returned from Ch. of the Sick | | | | | .20
" [[ditto for: May]] | 9 | To Maggie Brown Garner | | 3 | . | |
" [[ditto for: May]] | 16 | " [[ditto for: To]] Maggie Brown Garner | | 3 | . | 332 | .40
" [[ditto for: May]] | 17 | " [[ditto for: To]] Sarah Moss (in Phila.) | | 6 | . | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | 18 | " [[ditto for: To]] Sarah Moss' Registered letter | | | 15 | | 
| | | | | | [[vertical]] Total Receipts]] [[/vertical]] |
" [[ditto for: May]] | 17 | " [[ditto for: To]] Funeral of Sarah Jane Lewis ^[[and carfare,]] | | 64 | 10. | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | 21 | " [[ditto for: To]] Samuel Clark for digging grave of ^[[S. J. Lewis]] | | 2 | 50 | | 
" [[ditto for: May]] | 31 | " [[ditto for: To]] Telephone Messages S. J. Lewis | | | 50 | | 

[[?]] | | Total Expenditures - - - - | | $269 | .90 | |
| | Total Gain - - - - - - | | | | $62 | .50
| | On hand May 31, 1903 - - - - | | | | 1853 | .56
| | On hand May 31, 1904,  - - - - - | | | | $1,916 | .06
| | Respectfully submitted, Nellie A. Plummer. | | | | |  

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted in blue]] 77 [[/preprinted in blue]]

June 1, 1903 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ June 1, 1904.

The above year was unprecedented with sickness.

During the year fourteen members were sick.

There were two deaths.

Our honored secretary, John Moss, who gave long and continued service, resigned to take effect June 1, 1904.

We bless the Lord that it is as well with us as it is. 

Transcription Notes:
After seeing how this author writes a capital 'L' in 'Lord' on second page am obliged to think Sarah J Servis is actually Sarah J Lewis, so changed accordingly