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[[preprinted in blue]] 92 [[/preprinted in blue]]

1905 __ 1906. 

Brief Comparison of last year
and this:
There were [[double underlined]] three [[/double underlined]] deaths.
This year [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] death.
[[underlined]] Thirteen [[/underlined]] sick were cared for last year; this year [[underlined]] eight [[/underlined]] were cared for.

Last year [[double underlined]] lost [[/double underlined]] $32.55
This year [[double underlined]] gained [[/double underlined]] $99.64

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted in blue]] 93 [[/preprinted in blue]]

1905__ 1906.

This year, (1906_1907) was marked
at its very beginning with the death
of Sarah Alexander Mathews, one of our ^[[original members.]]
Sarah Eliza Scott Hall, wife of the late ^[[Ferdinand]] Gustavus Hall, one of our
original members, died on July 14, 1906.

This year [[underlined]] 1905-1906 [[/underlined]] was noted for
1st. : The [[underlined]] Memorial [[/underlined]] held last June,
2nd. for the Easter Social.
3rd. All have been uniform in wearing badges. (Rosettes, black and
white ribbon, two streamers, with name of founder ^[[H. V. Plummer]] there on.
We are 36 years old.
While our money has [[underlined]] increased [[/underlined]] and is
[[underlined]] sure [[/underlined]], yet the [[double underlined]] love [[/double underlined]] or "the tie that binds" is
greatest and best of all.
N. A. P.