Viewing page 52 of 83

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[[preprinted in blue]] 98 [[/preprinted in blue]]  


Mar. | 17,| To digging Jemima Holland's grave, | | $ 2 | 50 | |
" [[ditto for: Mar.]] | " [[ditto for: 17,]] | " [[ditto for: To]] purchase of grave, J. F. Holland, | | 2 | . | | 
" [[ditto for: Mar.]] | | " [[ditto for: To]] F. Gash, Funeral Director for | | | | |
| | Jemima Turner Holland | 50 | _ | | 
| " [[ditto for: Mar.]] | 18 | " [[ditto for: To]] Courtney Bumbry | | 3 | _ | |

Apr. | 1 | " [[ditto for: To]] Monthly Dues | | | | $ 23 | .75
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton | | | 50 | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 1]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Chairman of the Sick, Philip Broome | | | 50 | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | 4 | " [[ditto for: To]] Harriet Moss | | 3 | | |  
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | " [[ditto for: 4]] | " [[ditto for: To]] F. Gash, balance, Jemima Holland's funeral, | | 9 | | |
" [[ditto for: Apr.]] | 21 | " [[ditto for: To]] | Mary Jane Perry | | 3. | | |

May | 6, | " [[ditto for: To]] Monthly Dues | | | | 35. | 75
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 6,]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Sexton | | | .50 | |
" [[ditto for: May]] | " [[ditto for: 6,]] | " [[ditto for: To]] Secretary | | 4. | _ | |
| | | [line]
| | $ 311. | 60 | |
| | | | | | [line]
| | | | | $311. | 75
| | | | | 311. | 60
May | 31, | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gain _ _ | _ _ | $ | | .15
| | _ over _ | | | | | 

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted in blue]] 99 [[/preprinted in blue]]

The year 1906 _ 1907 was marked by the death of three of its oldest
female members_
Sarah Alexander Mathews,
Eliza Scott Hall and
Jemima Turner Holland.

Too much could not be said of the ste [[double underlined]] ad [[/double underlined]] fa [[double underlined]] st [[/double underlined]] ness and g [[double underlined]] oo [[/double underlined]] character of these three women.

Sister Mathews served her Church and the Union faithfully until death.

Eliza Scott Hall was the wife of the most illustrious man _ the Moses
in our day and generation _ the Rev. Ferdinand G. Hall. - Jemima Turner Holland the wife of beloved deacon Richard Holland, was
[[right margin vertical]] 
more than devoted to her family until death.
[[/right margin vertical]]


Transcription Notes:
Edited: corrected typos, added text denoted by " marks per instructions, other