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[[preprinted in blue]] 114 [[/preprinted in blue]]

[[end page]]
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[[preprinted in blue]] 115 [[/preprinted in blue]]

[[preprinted and boxed]]
Mount Herman Lodge, No. 179,
A. F. and A. M.^[[Bladensburg Union!]]
Hyattsville, Md., June 15, 1909.

Resolutions of respect relative to the death of George Tise, which occurred after a long illness at his residence, Thursday, June 10, 1909.

^[[Wigginton Fri. May 21, '09,]]

Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe to remove from our midst our Brother, George Tise, and

Whereas, By his death the Lodge has lost one of its most faithful, consistent and exemplary members; one who has stood by the Lodge in its struggles, whom we all loved and respected, who was ever ready to give his support to anything that would benefit the fraternity, and to whom we owe our gratitude for the efforts he put forth toward the advancement of Mount Hermon Lodge; his family a loyal husband and a devoted father, and the community an honest and upright citizen; therefore be it

Resolved, That we extend too the bereaved family our profound sympathy and condolence in this hour of great sorrow. And be it further

Resolved, That the Charter and Jewels of the Lodge be appropriately draped for the period of thirty days. And be it further

Resolved, That these Resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Lodge, copies furnished to the local press, and a copy forwarded to the family of our deceased Brother.

Respectfully submitted,

H. E. Davis,
Harry W. Shepherd,
Arthur Carr.
Committee on Resolutions.

Approved and adopted, 
Wm. P. Belt,
[[signature]] N. A. Plummer, Committee. [[/signature]]
June 15, 1909.
^[[Mon. ? Hall - Dec. 25, 1899.]]

Transcription Notes:
Note: This is a duplicate page. The next page is also pages 114 and 115; however, the piece of paper on top of page 115 has been folded back on the next page so the entries underneath can be transcribed. The second pages 114 and 115 has been transcribed. Perhaps what should be transcribed on this page would be the document on top of 115 which I have done today.