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[[preprinted form]]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
State of Maryland
^[Plummer Fri. Feb. 10, 1905.]] 
 Oriole Lodge No. 47, of Hyattsville.

WHEREAS, Oriole Lodge, No. 47, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, State of Maryland, has learned with deep regret that death has removed from the scene of his earthly labors and from our friendly association our beloved brother, George Tise; and

WHEREAS, By his valor as a soldier of his country; his loyalry as a citizen of this city and state; his fidelity as a friend and brother of our beloved Order; his gentleness as a father and affection as a husband, as well as by his worthy example as a Christian, he has endeared himself to his friends in this community; therefore be it

 Resolved, That this Lodge desires to testify to its profound sorrow at the loss of this estimable citizen and brother, and that unanimous expression of our sympathy be conveyed to the family of the deceased. And be it further

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this Lodge, a copy transmitted by the Secretary to the family, and the Lodge Charter be draped for thirty days.

June 17, 1909
[[/preprinted form]]

^[[July 10, 1909.]]

^[[Nellie A. Plummer, Committee.]] 

Transcription Notes:
"loyalry" is transcribed correctly