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Harriet Gearing Moss died. Having been for years a quiet, loving, trusting member of both Church and Union.
Of her large family of 10 children, 9 survive her. May they follow foot steps while she has gone to to [[sic]] meet her husband, 
Reuben C. Moss. 
May 21 '09 at 4.15 P.M., marks the passing from his earthly career of
John Harvey Wigginton.
Being born Dec. 8, 1864, 6 years before the Union was formed, he has practically been the child of this community, Church and Union before they were started. Because of his high degree of knowledge, his high sense of honor and his universal [[double underline]] love [[/double underline]] for [[double underline]] all [[/double underline]]  but especially for his home people (high or low, rich or poor, good or bad, black or white,) he was beloved and mourned of [[double underline]] every [[/double underline]] body. He spent 29 years in preparation for his life work. Was taught in public schools of Bladensburg and the D.C. under Ferdinand G. Hall and John C. Nalle. Wayland Seminary under the matchless G.M.P. King. Then graduated from the college and law departments of Yale University.

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In Sept. 1906, he married Mahalath Frances Jackson, a Waylandite, and bought a home for he and his mother in Brentwood, Md., scarcely a mile from his birthplace. Thus he never saught [[sic]] to get away from his own but to be with them, ever lifting. His tribute of respect paid to the late H.V. Plummer & F.G. Hall, his benefactors, as he was pleased to call them showed the depths of his heart of love, devotion, and appreciation; also gratitude. These with hundreds of other reasons will tell you with what lasting regret we laid him away in Harmony Cemetery, D.C. on ^[[Sunday]] May 23, 1909. For 12 yrs., he taught at Selma Uni., Selma, Ala.

What was said in the above article concerning Post Master Geo. Tise, applies with equal force, only more so, in regard to F.G. Hall, H.V. Plummer and J.H. Wigginton. Hence we quote the same here, because our strength is too small to write [[double underline]] all [[/double underline]] we could, would and should. Glory to God in the Highest. God bless their memory and the Grand old Union. [[double underline]] 15 [[/double underline]] Members were ill during the year, many on second certificates.  [[double underline]] 90 [[/double underline]] members on roll. 1 child. 71 members reported as financial. 4 New Members. [[double underline]] 4 [[/double underline]] Members Lost. 

Anniversary Services were held on June 26, 3 P.M. Elder Servis C. Sheafe preached, and sang "Will There be any Stars?" My Mother's Prayer," "The Meeting in the Air." Occasion very inspiring. 39th Anni. May [[double underline]] 40th. [[/double underline]] be more glorious. 1908 - 1909. (P.118) End!