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[[preprinted in blue]] 146 [[/preprinted in blue]]

Rostrum was decorated with a large picture of deceased, [[strikethrough]] deceased [[/strikethrough]] adorned with the wreath which the Union gave for the funeral which was held on "The Old Camp Ground," July 31, 1911, the 67th birthday anniversary of dear brother Henry Vinton Plummer, the [[double underlined]] founder [[/double underlined]] of the Bladensburg Union.

Rev. G. W. M[[?]]. Lucas, of Cumberland, Md. preached a most acceptably.

For 1911 _ 1912 the entire old cabinet was renominated and reelected.

Our young President Clarence Bumbry Moss is giving much satisfaction.

We note the passing of John Foster, among the [[double underlined]] first [[/double underlined]] members, but who had never drawn a dollar as sick dues or other wise. Union voted his widow $18.

Nellie A. Plummer.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted in blue]] 147 [[/preprinted in blue]]

[[left margin vertical]] End of Financial Record.
[[/left margin vertical]]

June 1, 1911 to May 31, 1912.

Expenses. Receipts.

| | June 6, | | 112.75 | 42.10
| | July 3, | | 23.50 | 37. _
| | August , | | 112.50 | 40.65
| | September, , | | 9.50 | 30.40
| | October , | | 18.50 | 26.70
| | November , | | 24.50 | 27.45
| | December, , | | 12.50 | 31.05
| | January , | | 89.50 | _ _ 
| | February , | | 28. _ | 51.05
| | March , | | 33.50 | 34.65
| | April ,  | | 11.12 | 39.55
| | May 20, | | 18.84 | 30.30
| | | | | $390.90

| | | | $494.71 | | 
| | | |  390.90_| | 
| | Loss, _ _ _ _ | | $ 103.81 | | 
May | 31, | 1911, On Hand, | | | $1,791.12
                     Less           103.81
May | 31, [[double underlined]] 1912, [[/double underlined]] On Hand _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | $1,687.31
| | Respectfully submitted, | | | | | 
| | Nellie A. Plummer, | | | | | 
| | Treasurer. | | | | | 

Transcription Notes:
Someone has been typing a word or two and then completing for review on almost every page. I am reopening these for people to complete as I have done for many of these pages. Makes it appear doc almost completed when it is far from being completed.