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In closing this Record Book, I most respectfully dedicate the song below, to the memory of our Union Head, Nellie Arnold Plummer.

A Little While

"A little while the cross to bear, Eternally the crown to wear, A little while to strive with sin, Eternal victory to wear;
A little while, a little while, And we shall lay our crosses down, A little while, a little while, and we shall wear the victors' crowns.
A little while to suffer pain, Sweet peace forevermore to gain; A little while earth's toils to bear, Eternally heav'n's rest to share.
Sad tears a while shall flow, Eternity no griefs shall know; In deserts dream a little while, Forever where gereen pastures smile."

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(continued from page 137.)
Church, this Sunday School, this Endeavour, this Church Aid, and this [[underlined]] Union [[/underlined]] with all other organizations for the benefit of the Kingdom of God, then, meet me [[underlined]] there! [[/underlined]]
He went to the hospital, was greatly relieved, returned home July 22nd, apparently much improved.  But as stated went suddenly on July 28th. [[underlined]] 4.30PM [[/underlined]]
And now because the Lord has loaned us such lives as his, we renew our efforts to do [[underlined]] more [[/underlined]] for the cause of humanity, closing with this poem_

Angels, Get My Mansion Ready,
Over yonder stands a mansion Christ prepared for me, God ordained that I should have it from eternity.  And I'll send a prayer before me, are [[?]] I cross the foam.
"Angels, get my mansion ready, I am coming home."

I am coming home to heaven, with the angels there to dwell, 
I am coming home to glory, where I'll never say farewell,
I am coming to that city, nevermore to roam,
Angels get my mansion ready, I am coming home.
