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faith in Christ Jesus as well as those of her household. She said this to the apostles: If my present reception of the gospel of Jesus Christ is a proof to you that I have been faithful to the Lord, in the light truly imparted, and I am as likely to be faithful to this new grace as I have been to that already received, and, consequently, not likely by light or fickle conduct to bring any discredit on this Divine work, [[bold]]Come into my house, and abide there. And she constrained us.[[/bold]]  She used such entreaties and persuasions that at last they consented to lodge there. Thus she testified her gratitude to them who had been the agent of Divine grace in this blessed change that was wrought upon her. When her heart was open to Christ, her home was open to His ministers for His sake, and they were welcome to the best entertainment she had. 

(16) [[bold]]Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.[[/bold]] This is Paul's admonition to Timothy, to be cautious and consider what he preaches. Be careful how he presented these living holy beliefs and that they be pure and trustworthy and sound. Accept the apostle's advice, and thou shalt save thine own soul, and the souls of them that hear thee. 

III. BELIEF IN GOD'S COMMANDS BRINGS VICTORY. (VV. 1-5.) (1) [[bold]]Whosoever that believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.[[/bold]] Here the Christian brother is described by his faith, He [[bold]]that believeth that Jesus is the Christ,[[/bold]] the believer, accordingly yields himself up to His care and conduct, and then he is dignified by His descent; he [[bold]]is born of God.[[/bold]] He that believeth that Jesus is the Messiah, and confides in Him for the remission of sins, is begotten of God and they who are pardoned and begotten of God, love Him in return for His love, and love all those who are His children.

(2) [[bold]]By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep His commandments.[[/bold]]  Our love of God's followers is a proof that we love God.  Our keeping the commandments of God is proof that we love Him. Loving God shows our obedience to Him.

(3) [[bold]]For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.[[/bold]] It is 
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vain to pretend to Love God while we live in opposition to His will. [[bold]]This is the love of God that we keep his commandments,[[/bold]] and the keeping of His commandments requires a spirit inclined thereto, and delighted therein. Thus His commandments are not grievous--are not burdensome, for no man is burdened with the duties which his own love imposes. The old proverb explains the meaning of the apostle's words: "Love feels no loads." By this love of God, we become determined to obedience and thereby His commands are easy and pleasant.

(4) [[bold]]For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.[[/bold]] What is and ought to be the result of and effect of regeneration--An intellectual spiritual conquest of this world.  He that [[bold]]is born of God[[/bold]] is born for God, and consequently for another world. He has a temper and disposition that tend to a higher and better world and is furnished with such a weapon whereby he can repel and conquer this. [[bold]]And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.[[/bold]]  Faith is the cause of victory, the means, the instrument, the spiritual armor and artillery by which we overcome, for it is by faith we cleave to Christ in contempt of and opposition to the world. Faith works in and by love to God and Christ and so withdraws us from the love of the world.  It receives and derives strength from the Son of God to conquer the prowess and flatteries of the world.

(5) [[bold]]Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?[[/bold]]  When the apostle concludes that is the real Christian that is the true conquerer of the world he asks this question: [[bold]]Who is he then that overcometh the world[[/bold]], and answers, [[bold]]he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.[[/bold]]  It is the world that lies in the way to Heaven and it is the great hindrance to our entrance there, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God, believes therein that Jesus came from God to be the Saviour of the world, and powerfully to conduct us from the world to heaven, and to God, who is fully to be enjoyed there.  He must be satisfied that this world is an enemy to his soul, to his holiness, his salvation and his blessedness.  He must see that it must be a great part of the Saviour's work, and of his own salvation to be redeemed and rescued. 
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[Column 1]
1. What is a Christian belief?
2. Who told Lydia about Jesus?
3. How do actions show belief?
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4. How is character formed?
5. What helps Christian service?
6. Is the Bible to be believed? 
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Lights on the Lesson
[Column 1]
LIGHT NO. 1--(John 20:30, 31). The life and works of Jesus so mysterious and yet so important, that records were made to aid in the establishing of proof and in maintaining a permanent record.

LIGHT NO. 2--(Acts 16:11-15).  In the time of Paul, buildings for public gatherings were limited both in number and in their usage.  Consequently people gathered in convenient places for public, social and political purposes. (a) Paul who had a firm belief in Christ presented him so vividly that unbelievers were constrained to accept his salvation.

LIGHT NO. 3--(I Timothy 4:16). Paul 
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continuously advised his fellow laborers in Christ. Timothy being a son in the ministry was directed by Paul as if he, Timothy were Paul's son by natural birth.

LIGHT NO. 4--(I John 5:1-5). John the beloved disciple as he is sometimes called, although he was not loved by Jesus any more than others were loved by the Lord, had dedicated himself to the task of revealing Jesus as the divine and expected Messiah. In his writings he reveals that some things result as a consequence of one's belief. He reveals that belief is more than an acceptance of a truth, but also the displayal of that truth in daily action.
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Editorial Reflections
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Jesus said everything and did everything, while here, that the people might believe in Him.  Not for His sake, but for theirs.  For them to believe Him, and believe in Him, gave them that which it took for them in both worlds, the time world and the Eternal world, as it is expressed here.  Their believing Him and believing in Him gave Him the privilege to give them Eternal Life, which is the Life in His name.

We have Jesus continuing His ministry through Paul.   Lydia, believing this same Gospel that saves, made her one in the family of God and her household.  When one's heart is opened by the Lord to receive the Word, that one always is made one with God.  This gives him or her Eternal Life.  All who were saved, and all who are being saved, and all who shall be saved, must believe the Christ and believe in the Christ, who is the only One who saves men in every age.

The one who teaches and preaches the Gospel that saves, must first believe this Gospel and be saved himself.  The Evangelist is admonished to take heed to himself and to the teaching given out by him.  One must truly believe the teaching he gives out, and let it save him from sin and save those who hear it through him.  The Holy Spirit can use mightily, the one who 
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takes heed to himself and to the Gospel given out by him.

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ in the sense spoken of here, is born of God.  The believing is on the part of one who desires this great salvation; and the new birth is truly the work of the Holy Spirit; And any one who believes that Jesus is the Christ believes it, because the Holy Spirit put him in the Christ, which is the recreation of God by the Holy Spirit, who is the Originator of the new birth.

When one love God, who begets, the proof of his being begotten is he loves the one God begets.  One is not begotten of God, who does not love every one begotten of God.

Our proof of our loving God is seen in our attitude to each other, and our proof of our loving each other is seen in our attitude to God.  God has it so fixed, that our love for Him and each other is seen in what we can see with these natural eyes, that is men. Keeping God's commandments is our proof that we love him and each other. All His children are known by overcoming the world by faith.  Believing in Jesus gives us the power to overcome the world just as He did.  Being one with Him gives us His Life and Spirit, the overcoming power.
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