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with them himself. He was able to do it for he was a man of learning himself, else he would not have become so great. It was the wisdom of princes, in the choice of the persons they employ, to see with their own eyes to exercise their own judgment and not trust too much to the opinion and representation of others.

(20) And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in his realm. He examined them, not just in language, but matters of wisdom and understanding; in the rules of prudence and true politics. He also investigated their judgment about the conduct of life and public affairs. Upon further investigation, he found them to excel the other young candidates for preferment, excelling the experienced teachers and old men. So far was the king from being partial to his own countrymen, to those of his own religion, and of an established reputation, he freely owned that, upon trial, he found these poor young captive Jews ten times wiser and better than all magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm. He was soon aware of something extraordinary in these four young men, which gave him a surprising satisfaction. He was soon aware that a little of their true judgment was preferable to a great deal of the divination to which he had been accustomed.

"Their sturdy faith gave the youths the power to challenge the accepted idea that rich food and rare wine were necessary for good health and its resulting physical attractiveness. Common sense, of course, stoutly denies this idea as a rank delusion, but how many young people can hear the voice of common sense above the clamor if the crowd? After all, a life lived in the consciousness of God's presence had a dignity and a poise which mean courageous self-command. It brings the power to be one's self rather than an echo of the crowd. Daniel knew that his life was dedicated to the service of a King beside whom the great Nebuchadnezzar was insignificant. He kept his own soul and made himself the rallying point for the best of his people."


Daniel and his three friends were among the Jewish boys taken captive in Jerusalem and carried away to the strange land of Babylon. When they were brought before the king they found favor in his sight, and he arranged for them and some of the other young men who were captives to receive their food from his table every day. This meant that they were to be given the richest and best foods and wines, because the king used only the best. This did not please Daniel, for he had been taught from early childhood to eat only the foods that were good for his body and to never drink alcoholic beverages. With the Jews, what they ate and drank was a matter of principle.

Even though they were in a foreign country as captives and slaves Daniel and his friends determined they would do what they knew to be right. They were not afraid, for they knew that God would help them. They did not lose anything by doing this either, for when the king saw their health and their intelligence, which excelled all others, he gave them positions of honor in his kingdom.


The story of the Jewish lad, Daniel, who dared to stand alone in a strange country, has been told over and over again to boys and girls of every generation. Daniel was just a boy when he was taken away from his loved ones at home and carried to Babylon as a slave. The king, however, seemed to be a man of good judgment, and when Daniel and his three friends refused to eat the rich, highly seasoned food and would not drink the wine from his table, he did not force them to, but allowed them to eat the plain vegetables and drink only water, as the so desired. The Jewish boys grew strong on this diet; their minds were clear and alert, their eyes were bright. In every way they were in better condition than the boys who ate the king's rich food and drank his wine. The king was so pleased at their splendid condition that he honored them with positions of importance and trust.

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1. Does loyalty to trust in difficult places bring forth courage?
2. Why did Daniel refuse the royal food?
3. Is one able to be a worthy example by being truthful?
4. Does the future welfare of a man depend upon his personal convictions?

Lights on the Lesson

LIGHT NO. 1-In studying this lesson, these facts should be kept in mind,-Ancient kings saw the need of cabinets of men to aid them in their reign-Kings also believed that the things people eat and drink take some effects on the strength and conditions of both body and mind. Kings also trained and developed youthful men to replace the seniors who from time to time stepped off the scene of life.

LIGHT NO. 2-Hebrews as a nation had opinions similar to those of kings, as regard, foods etc. but the Hebrews depended upon Jehovah for guidance. Since Jehovah condemned the portions set forth by the king. Daniel dared to refuse it even at the danger of death. 

LIGHT NO. 3-The Hebrews were granted a trial of ten days, which was sufficient time for foods to show their results. The Hebrews, development came not only because of what they ate, but also because they obeyed God.

LIGHT NO. 4-Periodical check-ups were made to know the development of the men in training. 

Editorial Reflections 

When one decides in his heart to do God's will it is the Spirit of Christ in that heart issuing His Word to that one. Out of the heart are the issues of life. Since Christ is the Life from whence all life comes, it is He in the heart by faith, that issues the life from His own heart. He stands by every one through whom He issues life, and makes all nature and men help to carry out the purpose He put in that heart. Daniel and his friends let God rule their hearts in making a decision, and carrying it out in their lives.

Kings, nor any one else, know what is best for the people of God. It is the Holy Spirit that tells the children of God what God wants done. To decide to not be defiled is an issue from above. He not only issues the decision from the heart of His own, but goes ahead and makes a way for it to be carried out. Any one in whom Christ lives in His Spirit, can do as these did here. All, Christians have and will continue to do so, purpose in their hearts to not be defiled by the things men ask them to do, when they know they are contrary to the will of our Father. 

God opened the heart of the prince of the eunuchs, and had him to grant the request of Daniel and his friends. He was at first reluctant to do so, but after the Spirit of the Lord worked on him he did so. God never puts any thing in any one's heart to do, without making a way for it to be done. No one can say no and prevent one, when God says yes, it must be done.

All who are out for God never fear to make a request for that which is right. When any thing is right to do, it is God in the heart urging it to be done. He prepares the way for it, before He puts it in one's heart to do. Christians do not mind being proved for what is to be done for our Father. They know what the results will be before making the request. Daniel and his friends knew they would come out all right. God in the Holy Spirit gives satisfaction to His children as to results before He leads them into action.

Because these four youths obeyed our Father every step of the way, He gave them knowledge and skill in learning and wisdom. Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. When the appointed time came for them to come before the king, God had them prepared in body, heart, mind and spirit better than any in the realm of the kingdom.

In every matter of wisdom and understanding concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his realm. When God's hand is holding one, and His Spirit is guiding, no one can prepare one better than He. Like Christ, Daniel purposed in his heart to stand the acid test, and in the name of our Father he stood it. Let us all purpose in our hearts to be like Jesus each day, and go through.