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were time for mess, well we were in Camp one Dec to Feb. in that time we layed the Railroad from the ocen so that the U.S. could get her cargo off in good time. we layed about five hundred miles of rail in that time and we went to bed in the Dark and so got out in the Dark onley the moon showen and did give us a little light we all were glad that we were dun there. all tho, oir next move, were to the trenches,or that way, but we did not cear, it were a place that we all wonted to see, and at that time we did not think it right to go there and not see it. every Day you could hear some one say sometheing a bout the old mudy trenches. but of coars we did not 
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no it. be for I seen them I heard some bad news a bout them. all kind of talk some good and some bad. but when I seen them. I said to my self,it not so bad as they say,after all, as I said befor we were glad to leve that JOB for we were in woter up to or kness. all the time. it were slow work and wet work you would go to bed wet. for there would be no fire to dry by. So the time came for us to pack up and go. as we usto - say, less go; it were a nother train Ride for two Days the end of the second Day, put us in Haupoint, it were about twenty miles, from Haupoint, two a little town, called, Mapherycort this town were toaren up bad. the french did it to get the germens out of it in 1915. and in that time they gained five kilos, and no more