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that time, as I said befor I layed = on my Back near a sleep. there were notheing in the sky. that I could see But clads. when all at once I heard a Playen I lookd and seen that it were a German Playen came out of the clods over oir line. over to my right were a strip of seader he came right over me makeing for the Hill. and left of the seder Hill I seen a nother air Playn comeing right for the germen Playn then the germen went up for the clods. then I seen that the other one were a French Playn that came from the left of the Hill and he stirded after the Germen. I think that the Germen seen that he could not get a way from the French Playn so he made a [[noure??]] Drop. I think about two hundred feet. then he stirded up at

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that time the French made a circel around him and as he got over the strip of - seader he open up on the Germen Playn and all at once. he were a fire and came Down to rise no more. I went over to see it. and it were a site to see you could not tell what it were. it were in Picess, and you could not make them out. there were two men in it and they looked like mush, above us, were the= French. circeling a bout us. like a bird he new that he won the battle with the Germen and he were like a king over his great foe, he came Down. and = all gave him a welcome that he will never for gat. the Germens seen it all that Day, what hapent to their comrod and that night.they gave are line some troble. yet we were not on the line =