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L 261.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Office Sub-Division of Greensboro',
Greensboro', N. C., May 13th 1868. 

Bvt Lieut Col Jacob F Chur.
Act Asst. Adjt General
Bu R. F. & A. L.
Raleigh N. C.

I have the honor most respectfully to call the attention of the Ass't Commissioner to the following facts.

Since the last Election, it seems to me, that it is the detirmination of land-owners, in my Sub-Division, especially in Rockingham County, to bring the freedmen to the verge of starvation, or to defraud them entirely from their share in the coming Crop.

The freedmen of this district work for part of the Crop, in general, one-third of every-thing they raise, (Corn and Tobacco.) very little Wheat.) The Crop of last year, was insufficient to support them for this year, and they have no money, to buy provisions, and, are compelled to buy on a credit, from those citizens with whom they work, and give security 