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Bu. R. F. & A. L. Office A. S. A. C-
Rocky Mt. N. C. July 8th 1868

Brvt Lt. Col" Jacob F. Chur
Act Asst Adjt. Genl"

Some time since by the direction of the Asst. Commissioner State N. C. I forwarded the name of John P. Tillery requesting that he be appointed Clerk to assist me in my duties at this Station. - I have not heard from it since  Will you do me the favor to let me know what action if any has been taken in the matter. -  On account of a pressing amount of business I have been obliged to obtain the assistance of a Clerk upon my own responsibility

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
[[signature]] Robert G. Heiner [[/signature]]
1st Lieut 29th U. S. Infantry
A. S. A C.  Bu' R F. and A. L.