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South Harwich Mass.
Mar. 30th 1866.

Col. Whittlesey.

Dear Sir

I have received a communication from Maj. Gen. Howard, kindly informing me that my letter of the 22d inst. asking his advice in relation to purchasing for myself a little land at the South, for cultivation, has been referred to you.

In addition to what I stated therein, I am altogether unacquainted with farming, and would have to rely [[strikethrough]] soley [[/strikethrough]] solely upon the information of others, but I am strong and able, and could soon learn.  My greatest fear is that I might make a poor purchase, and thereby lose my savings, that I have worked so hard, and so long to accumulate.  Will you be kind enough to tell me what  you think of the prospect, to realize somthing from an investment such as I could make, considering my situation, and I, and others, will ever feel grateful to you.

I am very respectfully,
[[signature]] Anthony Smalley [[/signature]]

Col. Whittlesey  Asst. Com.