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[[image - 4 black men standing in a row wearing white robes with black stripes. From left to right, one holding a sheet of paper, one talking into a microphone, one holding some sort of religious text, and one holding nothing]]

[[text strangely upside down]]
The history of the Hebrews (Black Jews) in the United States is little known. Yet, this Jewish sect has proven itself an important branch of Orthodox Judaism. The Ethiopian Hebrews are colorful, provocative and rich in the ancient Israelite traditions. This is a rare opportunity for an actual glimpse into the way the Hebrews practice their Jewish rites, such as, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Azeret, Pesach, etc.

Rabbi David Matthew Dore', trained by his grandfather the late Chief Rabbi W. A. Matthew, has awed many large important groups and organizations with his in depth lectures on the faith of his Hebrew ancestors.

For further information contact:
Lloyd Yearwood, Director of Public Relations
25 West 132 Street, New York, New York 10037
(212) 862-6543
[[/text strangely upside down]]

Lloyd Yearwood
Ethiopian Hebrews
25 W. 132 St., NY 10037