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Good News From Egypt

President Gamal Abdel Nasser has done it again! This time it's the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company.
The Egyptian President's action, though fully endorsed by leaders of all Arab and Moslem nations, and despite a guarantee by Cairo that complete freedom of traffic through the canal would be maintained, has caused a good deal of unnecessary concern in the West. "Military action" against Egypt has been threatened by both France and England, and there is talk of economic sanctions against her in a few other countries.
However, little notice seems to have been taken of the fact that the Egyptian Government has nationalized an Egyptian company (the Suez Canal Co. was incorporated under Egyptian law), and that the "seizure" action is not incompatible with the established rules of international law which recognizes the right of any sovereign nation to determine the administrative methods by which its industries  or installations shall be maintained. 

[[image - black & white photograph of President Nasser smiling at a piece of paper in his hand][[caption]]

Moreover, the sudden withdrawal on July 19, 1956, of U. S., British and World Bank offers to finance the High Dam at Aswan -- President Nasser's cherished dream -- had left Egypt with a possible choice between Russian economic assistance or nationalization of the Suez Canal, and she elected the latter alternative only to make sure the vital waterway would not become subject to foreign control. 

Whatever measures the West wishes to take to seek a reversal of Presidnt Nasser's historic decision, we believe the "seizure" of Suez by its rightful owners is good news from Egypt and an action worthy of sincerest commendation and whole-hearted support by all Moslems, 

Keep It Up, Algeria!

As we go to the press, we note that recent weeks have seen practically no sign of a let-up in the fighting in Algeria, North Africa. Brave sons of Algerian mothers continue to lay down their lives for the precious Cause of their homeland's freedom from colonial rule. The enemy remains as merciless as ever. 


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[[image - black & white photograph of seven men]]
[[Photograph credit - G. M. Colbert]]

[[caption]] Algerian Nationalist ambassador-at-large, Mr. Hussein Ait-Ahemd, (center,) was recently presented a copy of the June-July 1956 issue of MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A. by its Editor-Publisher Abdul Basit Naeem (wearing dark glasses), at a United Nationalist African Movement meeting held at Hotel Theresa, 7th Avenue & 125th Street, New York City. (That issue contained a number of articles on Algeria.) Others in the picture are, from left to right: Grand Sheikh F. Turner-El, of Moroccan United Organizations Federation, Inc., New Haven, Conn.; Mr. A. J. Johnson, of United Nationalist African Movement, New York City; Mr. Levon Keshishian, U.S. Correspondent for "Al-Ahram," Cairo, Egypt; Mr. James R. Lawson, President, United Nationalist African Movement, New York City; and Dr. Taylor, President, Africa House, New York City. [[/caption]]

In fact, Algerian Nationalist parties' representative in the U.S.A. and UN, Mr. Hussein Ait-Ahmed, speaking at a United Nationalist African Movement meeting in New York City on July 6, 1956, called the present situation in his country "more critical than at any time in the past." To prove his point, he cited "the fact that helicopters recently given to France by the United States under NATO arrangements" were now being used by the French Army in its effort to annihilate Algerian "rebels"--the West's pet word for patriots of countries seeking independence from foreign rule. 

Believing that ALL COLONIALISM AND IMPERIALISM MUST GO, and that the people of Algeria have just as much right to the freedom and sovereignty as do the French or other nations of the world, we cannot help praying that Paris would come to its senses, soon, and recognize the independence of Algeria as she has of two other former colonies -- Tunisia and Morocco. Meanwhile, we feel compelled to say also: "Keep it up, Algeria!"

AUGUST-SEPT. 1956    5