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[[image - photograph of office building / complex]]
Offices of Arabic-language "Al-Riadh" magazine in Jiddah[[/image caption]]

Recent population growth has put a heavy strain on existing public utilities and buildings, but construction proceeds at a rapid pace. Jiddah now boasts a new port, complete with a two-berth steamer pier; a new airport with a modern terminal building and spacious hangars, and adjoining the airport, the city's first completely air-conditioned hotel.

The Rapidly Growing Temple
(Continued from page 23)

original and true religion - that of my ancestors across the Atlantic. To me, Christianity now means a religion that was never ours in the first place, and was forced upon us, and it reminds us of slavery times and such. Islam, on the other hand, has given me a feeling of great personal satisfaction and spiritual enlightenment and closeness to Allah. I never experienced this feeling when I was a Baptist." 

As we see it, a clamor will inevitably be raised in certain circles at this marked increase in the number of Moslems in New York City (and elsewhere in the United States). However, we believe that, on the contrary, society itself should be highly pleased at the happy change in the life of "Negroes" who have turned Moslem - for it means that from now on there would be fewer drunkards and cases of drug addiction in this city and around the country. In fact, there should be a defiinite decline in juvenile delinquency as well, for Moslem families usually stay together and are able to raise healthy and normal youngsters. The teachings of Islam and the Holy Koran show them how to guide their sons and daughters through their most difficult years. 

- Abdul Basit Naeem

We Arose From The Dead
(Continued from page 27)

from them their BURDEN and the SHACKLES which were on them. So those who believe in him, and honor him, and help him, and follow the light which has been sent down with him . . . these are the successful (7:157) ...........

He it is who raised among the ILLITERATES a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His messages and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom - although they were before in manifest error (62:2). 

36             MOSLEM WORLD & THE U.S.A.
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[[image - text of title appears on drawn image of white banner, which itself appears in front of numerous drawn flags representing Muslim/Muslim majority nations]]


Kabul - King Mohammed Zahir Shah of Afghanistan and H.E. Iskander Mirza, President of Pakistan, will meet shortly to discuss "the settlement of several grave issues between their two governments," it was announced here by the Foreign Ministry.

Their announcement was also confirmed by Mr. S.A. Baig, of the Foreign Ministry at Karachi.


Mogadiscio - Mr. Abdullahi Issa, veteran Somali political leader, was elected first Premier of this East African territory under Italian-administered United Nations trusteeship. The new Government was chosen by the territory's first Parliament, which held its opening session April 30. 

Somaliland is scheduled to gain independence in 1960. 


Rabat - The governments of Morocco and Iraq have announced that His Majesty King Faisal and His Majesty Sultan Mohammed ben Youssef will meet here sometime in the near future. King Faisal will be the first chief of a Moslem state to visit Morocco. 

[[image - photograph portrait of King Faisal]]

[[image caption]]EMBASSY OF IRAQ
King Faisal[[/image caption]]

AUGUST-SEPT. 1956        37
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