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And that we have a United Missionary Society.  And that the rumors be put down rather than aired.  Others who spoke on this subject:  Mrs. Plummer, Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Stewart.

Mrs. Dora Murray suggested that the secretary write a letter to the ministers' wives, who do not come to these meetings, and urge them to come.  Mrs. E. B. Mitchell of the M. E. Church was present and gave us a wonderful address.

The names and addresses of those who are sick were given to Mrs. M. E. Thompson, so that cards may be sent them.

A motion was made that Mrs. Thompson write letters of condolence to Mrs. Katie Handy on the death of her mother; and to Mrs. Martha Thomas, on the death of her sister.  The motion was carried.  Introductions:  Rev. W. H. Baker of Easton, Md.

Missionary  eBnediction.  Adjournment.

SECOND DAY--Evening Session

8:00 P. M.--First Vice-President, Mrs. Bessie G. Boston, presiding.  Song:  "Open Mine Eyes That I May See."  Prayer:  Miss A. J. Brown.  Song:  "In The Garden."

The First Vice-President then turned the meeting over to Mrs. M. F. Thompson, Chairman of the Y. P. D.  She introduced Miss M. I. Throckmorton, who read a paper on the native Japanese.

Mrs. Thompson told the story of the Mohammeds, and conducted a real missionary meeting with the Juniors.  An illustrated lesson from the chart the Juniors rendered several solos, duets and recitations.  Mrs. Thompson taught the children and congregation an Echo song; she also told them of her trip to Silver Bay.  Song: "He Lifted Me."

Offering was lifted.  $5.23 was the amount making the total amount raised this year by the Juniors—$600.  Rev. M. J. Key was introduced, who gave us an account of his trip to the Holy Land.

Missionary Benediction.  Adjournment.


THIRD DAY—Morning Session

9:00 A. M.—Prayer and Praise service, conducted by Mrs. D. Murray.  Surely the Lord was present, and we could say from one to the other: "Did not our hearts burn within us, while He communed with us by the way?"  President, Mrs. Briscoe, presiding.  Roll call.

Minutes of last night's session were read an on motion, adopted.  An article was read by Mrs. Stepteau which appeared n the Baltimore Sun of September 10th:  "A Negress a member of G. O. P. Committee in Georgia, to succeed Henry Lincoln Johnson, a member of the State Republican Executive Committee—which makes Mrs. Georgia Williams a member of the Republican National Committee.

It was moved and seconded that a letter of congratulations be sent to Mrs. Williams, and a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs. Johnson.  The motion was carried.

The following is the committee:  Mrs. M. F. Thompson, Mrs. E. L. Stepteau, and Mrs. C. E. Harris.

Report of Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. E. Harris, was read.