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Mrs. Douglas suggested that it would be so nice to have a book compiled by our own Church that we may study.

Question box by Mrs. Holder, who was absent.

The Layman's Hour–Mrs. Chainey: "What are the requirements to be successful in our Societies regardless of changes." The following ladies discussed the subject, Mrs. Martha Thompson, Mrs. Tatum, Mrs. Pendleton and Mrs. M. F. Thompson.

Report of Sara A. Tanner Memorial Fund. Received and adopted.

The Junior hour was conducted by Mrs. Thompson the collection—$1,38. The children were very beautifully addressed by Mrs. Kinch, Secretary-Treasurer Y. P. D. The Contingent Committee made its report. Report adopted.

The Minute Committee made its report. Report adopted.

Quadrennial Assessment Committee made its report. Report adopted. Special Fund made its report. Report adopted. Parent Contingent Committee made its report. Report adopted. Mrs. Jordan said since the reporter for the Woman's Missionary Recorder was ill, she thought some one should speak of the periodical at each meeting. The Resolution Committee made its report. Report adopted.

Missionary Benediction Adjournment.


Baltimore, Dec. 18, 1924.

To the President Officers and members of the First Quarterly Meeting:

We, your Committee on Minutes, beg leave to make the following report. Moneys collected:

Baltimore District

Carroll ....................$   1.25
Bethel  ....................    2.90
Handy  .....................     .50
Catonsville ................    3.75
Total  ......................$  7.50

Hagerstown District

Payne ......................$   2.50
Ebenezer ...................    1.00
Hill's Road ................     .50
Total  ......................$  4.00
Grand Total ...................$11.50

Respectfully submitted,
MRS. A. M. MOORE, Secretary.