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[[image - black & white photograph of W. H. Lee, Chairman]]

Bethel-looking back over One Hundred Years of organized existence, a period extending into the days of human bondage, chattel ownership and legalized slavery, a period in which the emancipation of the soul of the Negro preceded the liberation of the body.

We, your Centennial Committee, have addressed ourselves to the task assigned us to commemorate in a befitting manner the celebration of a Century of Progress, Growth and Development in the Masters Vineyard.

One Hundred Years of Service and Worship - Ten Decades of Tribulation and Trials - A Century of Prayer and Praise brings us now to this season of Joy and Thanksgiving.

Marvelous as has been the continued existence of this historic Bethel, Greater, far Greater, has been her varied accomplishments and contribution to the uplift, civic development and spiritual leadership that have emanated from Bethel and pervaded the souls and lives of our people throughout this Southland.

Bethel as an organized and progressive Church Body, has for One Hundred Years assumed and effectively exercised a leadership that has become a recognized power for racial uplift and betterment.

We come now to this our Golden Jubilee with grateful hearts and souls overflowing with thanksgiving, as we in our Centennial Celebration reverence the Bethel of yesteryear, lovingly embrace the Bethel of today and with undaunted courage and unfailing faith look forward to the Bethel of tomorrow.

As Bethel has served the Nation, we prayerfully extend a cordial invitation to the Nation to join us in Bethel's Centennial Celebration-"For Truly Thus Far The Lord Has Brought Us".

W. H. LEE, Chairman.