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[[decorative border]] Patrons [[column 1]] Dea. D. H. Miller Mrs. Pearl Mayfield Mrs. Carrie Macon Mrs. Viola Mallory Mrs. Genevieve Morris Mrs. Deloris Mann Mrs. Mary Mabrey Mr. James A. Miller Deacon Carroll W. Anderson Mrs. Wilhelmina Anderson Mrs. Malissia B. Adams Mrs. Ruth J. Allen Mr. James Allen Dr. D. Atkinson Miss Tesha A. Adkins Mr. W. R. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Emory Archer Mrs. Elsie T. Bacon Miss Mildred M. Branch Mr. David F. Browne Michael Browne Mrs. Susie D. Browne Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Browne Mrs. Mary E. J. Brown Mrs. Hermoine J. Brown Mrs. Louise B. Boyd Mrs. Mary B. Braxton Miss Marie E. Bolling Miss Geraldine L. Bolling Mrs. R. E. Brown Mrs. Martha Berry Mrs. Wilnett Banks Mrs. Ollie Briggs Mrs. Martha Banks Mr. James Avery Booker Mrs. Mary B. Bolling Mrs. Sadie Bradley Mrs. Elsie Baylor Mrs. Rosa G. Bland Mrs. Louise Carter Byrd Mrs. Rebekah J. Calloway Dr. S. D. Calloway Mrs. Leila Coleman Mrs. Elizabeth Cobbs Mrs. Delia Cunningham Mrs. Lucy Christian Mrs. T. M. Carroll Mrs. Florence G. Carter Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cooper Mrs. Altony Cottrell Miss Cassie Carter Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Causie-Estko, Jr. Mrs. Inez Clarke Dr. Novell Coots Mrs. Louise Clarke Mrs. Pearl Cheatham Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey I. Charity Mr. John Cephas Mrs. Mary Taylor Carter Attorney James T. Carter Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coots Miss Ida Jackson [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Coots Mr. R. Alex Dandridge Deacon W. H. Dowtin Mrs. Beatrice Drew Mr. Meredith Davis Mrs. Toadie Diggs Mrs. Martha Davis Mr. Miles Dyson Mrs. Hardenia Eddleton Mrs. Maxine A. Evans Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Fitzgerald Miss Antoinette Fitzgerald Mr. Rodger P. Fitzgerald Mr. Isaac Fitzgerald Miss Georgia E. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fields C. H. Fields, Jr. Mrs. Eva B. Fields Mrs. Lizzie Fields Dea. and Mrs. John R. Fields Mrs. Berkley K. Fisher Mrs. Louise Forrester Mrs. Bessie W. French Mrs. Nealie Freeman Mrs. Virgil Frazier Mrs. Daisy Jones Gilliam Dea. W. M. Granderson Mr. Roy Guens Mrs. Estelle Gravitte Mrs. Annie Gray Miss Veronica Gray Mr. Thomas Gray Miss Jeanette Garnett Mrs. Queen S. Gray Mr. George Robinson Dea. Thomas Henderson Mrs. Alberta Henderson Mr. Robert Holmes Mrs. Rosa Harris Mrs. Florence E. Hill Dr. William B. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill Mrs. Sara G. Hayes Mrs. Annie R. Hammond Mr. Eugene Hamilton Mrs. Penny Holly Mr. William L. Haskins Mr. Sam Hasting Mr. J. S. Hutcheson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hall, Jr. Mrs. Adele Jones Mrs. Bernice Jones Mr. Warren L. Jones Rev. Russell Jones Miss Magnolia Jones Mrs. Sallie H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jones Mrs. Gladys L. Johnson Mrs. Alma G. Johnson Mr. Douglass Jones Miss Marian Jones Mrs. Maude Allen Clark [[/column 2]] [[column 3]] Mrs. Virginia Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Alex W. Jackson, Jr. Mrs. Bessie Jones Mrs. Annie B. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Jackson, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Jackson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Mrs. H. G. Knight Mrs. Lillie Kirby Miss Leah B. Lewis Mrs. Janie Lee Mrs. Louise Lee Mrs. Annie S. Myers Dea. W. R. Myers Mr. W. Harold Myers Mr. Wellford R. Myers Mrs. Ruth Myers Mrs. Josephine Maynard Miss Elizabeth Muse Miss Ruth Morris Mrs. Shirley A. McCarthy Mrs. Eleanor McPleasant Mrs. Lelia Iola W. McCray Mrs. Henriette McKnight Mr. Clinton Macon Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moody Mrs. Agnes W. Nicholson Mr. Julian Neville Mrs. Claudie Neville Mrs. Ersell Nickerson Mrs. Laura Ogden Mrs. Rosa Patterson Mrs. Matilda Perkins Mr. James Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Perkins, Jr. Mrs. Mary Perkins Mrs. Susie Powell Mrs. Leah Pollard Mr. Arthur L. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker Mr. and Mrs. Horace Payne Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer Mrs. Alice G. Poindexter Mrs. Emily O. Price Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Patterson Reid's Grocery and Hauling Co. Mrs. Mary E. J. Rhodes Mrs. Mattie Randolph Mrs. Florence G. Robinson Mr. A. Bernard Reid Mrs. Zipporah I. Smith Mrs. Gladys G. Smith Mr. Robert C. Smith Mr. Horace H. Scott Mrs. Emma E. Scott Mrs. Alberta Scott Mr. Daniel Scott Mrs. Mary Smith Mrs. Thelma F. Scott Mrs. Forest Sims Mr. London Steved Mr. Lee A. Shelby [[/column 3]] 40