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Thursday, August 22, 1907
  Garnichts on the bill for today. Think  I came home from the office scratched out my little stunt in this volume, and then lay me down to sweet slumber. I'm a great hand to sleep. I can do that when I'm too tired to [[insert]] do [[/insert]] anything else.
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   Friday, August 23, 1907
 That "god damned bloodhound" (as one of Pa's friends aptly described Clements) and I continued the fracas today. The upshot of it was that I told the g.d.b. (see above) that I got through there tomorrow. He was slightly wrathy, and echoed my statement in a harsh and unkind voice. If I'd had ten to spare, I believe I would have thrown in a left-shift for good measure, but I doubt if it would have been worth it.
  Had lunch with Louis today. Louis had been reading Balzac. Naughty, naughty, Papa slap!