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[[pre-printed]] Sunday, September 1, 1907 [[pre-printed]]

Left Castine, Bagaduce, folks, and all this afternoon. It was not joke going, but it couldn't very well be helped. They'll be all glad to see me again in three years, when I come back, and so will I to see them.
I'm just beginning to realize now that I'm going, but I haven't any idea of all the distance, the nights and days, and life in these coming three years. It will all seem short when it's over, but there will be bushels of things crowded into these years. I hope I make good.

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[[pre-printed]] Monday, September 2, 1907 [[pre-printed]]
We reached Boston this morning, and after breakfasting at the Essex, I took the first train to F.R. and broke the news to Edie. She cried terribly, and I felt as miserable and as broken up. When I realized all that I was leaving and what I was taking from her, as I ever expect to feel in this world. 
It was hard, and she didn't want me to go, - I didn't want to leave her, but I had to. I told her it was for our own good, and she wished me luck and cheered me up with all she could say. Three years seems longer than it did last Friday morning.