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[[preprinted]] Monday, October 7, 1907 [[/preprinted]]

The musical braying of the Aden donkey aroused me from my slumber this morning. I could have choked the brute.

Davidass ran all over hell this morning. He lugged me down to the point, into about every office in the whole joint, and I was disgusted with the port in general. Then we went back to Hedjiff I started back on my own hook to the D'el Europe to find the town barber and to get something to eat. When I got there the barber was sick, and the grub would turn up everything you'd eaten in the past month.

I forgot myself and swore. Then Messa got

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, October 8, 1907 [[/preprinted]]

Today I think we rested a bit. When you see me chasing around again like I did yesterday you'll know something in my works has sprung. Hereafter I sit on my fat behind and send a bloomin' nigger to do my bloody errands instead of running them myself.

Schirmer and I did a turn over the rocks back of the Aidroos Mosque, out around by the Tower of Silence to get up an appetite. I got mine.

7th/ (continued)

one of his bloody "Badain" streaks on, and grew curious as he usually does, and it was enough to make a man crazy. I could kill that bunch tonight.