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[[pre-printed]] Monday, November 4, 1907 [[pre-printed]]
Not so much doing today except that we closed the rest of the ivory next door. It was only a little matter of a purchase of some 54000 odd Rupees. That makes almost 200 large tusks I'm shipping inside of two wks, - worth about £7000, more, if anything. By gum, I wish those things were mine. I'd lead a life that would make the best of 'em sit up and take notice. 
It's slightly exasperating to think a bloody elephant, without having worked a day in his life, can bring about a dozen times the amount of a man's hard earned savings of a lifetime, just

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[[pre-printed]] Tuesday, November 5, 1907 [[pre-printed]]
Nothing doing.
The diary will shut up shop for the day.

4th (continued)
for a couple of jaw ornaments that never cost him a pi in the first place.