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[[preprinted]] Thursday, January 2, 1908. [[/preprinted]]

By gum, Mr. Jones didn't open a book of mine when he was here. after my being brought up in the Clements school. it fairly staggered me. and my expenses were treated with the same disdain, though he certainly did jolly me about Paris. From London to Paris and away took less that fortyeight hours. we had no train fares to pay, and it cost ac. some five pounds four for me, and sutt and stew cal'clated the same. hang it, we did behave, even it figures imply a doubt. but Jones Sahib said he'd been over the route himself, so we put our good name in the cupboard, and let it so at that.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, January 3, 1908. [[/preprinted]]

Today I chased me over to Bunnie's, and I chased me back again. However, he is sending over several cartloads of money to the Bank for us, so my trip was not in vain. A mere Rs [[Rupee sign]] 114429.15 Figure three rupees to the dollar, and it's near enough.

The rest of the day I busied myself closing up the books for the year and trying hard to learn tennis.  I've put in more real work at the latter than I can easily remember. It's a pretty good game for the [[strikethrough]] [[ob?]] [[/strikethrough]] obese.  Not that [[underlined]] I'm [[underlined]] obese, for I'm only touching 124 or so. But it makes the epidermis leak