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Wednesday, January 8, 1908

Heavy doings today, anyway. we got off the mail, and those thirteen pages of quarterly accounts I'd been scratching over, hustled like hell, and then the old hulk didn't show up until ten o'clock. If I'd taken my time she'd have been in at four sure.

Well, anyway, I won two sets tonight. Just because I slugged, I've been too tender hearted toward those little gobules. Hereafter they get theirs, and I get less of mine, I hope. I got two new blisters, too. 

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Thursday, January 9, 1908

It is certainly getting cold here. Thermometer says about 74, but strange as it may seem, I had to change into flannels this afternoon, and in the evening we were forced indoors, the monsoon blowed so.

One would imagine the tropics, and especially a place with a rep like Aden, to be a perpetual cookstove, but it isn't all the time, - not at present, anyway.  I hear that in the summer time, however, its hell. I've got something to look forward to, it seems.  105, in the shade, they say.