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Saturday, March 14, 1908

We were expecting the "McClellan", from the Phillippines, in today, so I went down to Bond's again, according to schedule. We figured it out she would come in about six, but our timetable was out of date.

I found I had butted into the Union Club today. The strain was beginning to wrinkle me young fratz, but it's happily averted now. Our old pal Ike was turned down some six times, I believe, but got in at last. I'm dead sure that if I was turn down oncet I'd never try it again. But the fight has been fit and won. Bond would make a great man for our ward committee. He put this through.

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Sunday, March 15, 1908

Bond sent us up a telegram this morning, so we hustled down to the point, and made ourselves one of a reception committee for callers off the ship. There were quite a bunch came off, and we all had a busy time. Bond entertained Gen. Wood and a few other military lights at tiffin together with some of the Aden wallahs, and we had a very good time. I think Maj. Noble, the Aide-de-Camp to the Gov. Gen. of the islands, pumped me dry on Aden. I never thought I knew so much about the place as his cross-examination brought out. He & Gen. Baudholtz were great fellows. They radiate a good-fellowship that our British cousins never could.