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[[double line]] 
Thursday, March 26, 1908
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Business being booming today, and being rushed to death myself, I spent most of the day writing letters to the bunch home and reading ghost stories, with a little shopping on the side. 

In the afternoon Smith and I went over to Slipp's, had tea with them, and then after Bridge, dinner.  We played four rubbers, Slipp and I breaking even with Smith and the Memsahib, and on the straight total of the evening we differed but four points. It was  close enough to be interesting. 

Heigh-ho, - likewise ho-hum,- this is a hard life. 

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Friday, March 27, 1908
[[single line]] 

More hard life today. It's wearing me down to a frazzle. 

I hung around downstairs and upstairs about all day long, but knocked off in time for a strenuous set or two over at the club yonder. Dr. Herr Stritt und ich hatten der Herr Reis und Monsieur Pennant wahid liebe set ge-licked.  It will take a polygot brain to unravel that last utterance of ours.  Are you on?

Slipp Memsahib sent me over the rest of that cake today.  It touched a tender chord! 

Ach, meine liebr Heddiechen!

Transcription Notes:
Changed "Dr. Herr Stritt" to "Der Herr Stritt" as the writer lapses into German.