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Thursday, May 7, 1908 

Bunny showed no signs of coughing today, so I sent off a wire to Bombay to find out about this henious rumor that had upset the old man's mind. I got the same answer I'd been trying to get into his block ever since the fracas started. Meanwhile, he had shelled, but I went over there and let him translate the cable himself. He finally said it was good enough for him. Gott sei dank!

My other trouble with Adamally I smoothed over, in a measure, too. I got him [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] calmed down a bit, and I hope it's going to come out all right now. I worried a little about it the past few days.

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Friday, May 8, 1908 

Besse was giving one of his little dinners out at Hassan Ali's bungalow in Sheikh today, and Smith and I hit the [[strikeout]] trail about five this afternoon. It was the first time I'd been out to Sheikh, and I was quite taken with the place. That patch of emerald was a great thing to rest one's eyes on after seeing nothing but brown rocks for the last half year. I wanted to get out of the gharri and roll in the daisies, like I used to do when I was a kid.

Besse served us up one of his famous spreads. It went down with exceeding good grace. Afterwards, music by the band.