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Wednesday, July 22, 1908

The circus-wallahs showed up again today, - I slept through it and sneaked out the back way afterward. None in mine. The office boy was haled into court today for looking at a street fight last week, and I was compelled to copy two letters and walk down to the Harry wallah's. It was a strenuous day. 

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Thursday, July 23, 1908

Came to life again today, and got Adamally for 400 bales. Not so bad in these times. I sure do like to get in a whack outside Bunny. He was fast gettin' the idea he was the entire merchandise, but we're disillusionising him slowly, slowly. I hope the time has gone when Bunny steps in and buys 'em at his own price. If things would only buck up a little we would show him a dodge or two. 

He may have his whack at those eight hundred yard goods, but we won't absolutely promise him any more.