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Tuesday, July 28, 1908

Some cooler today, as you see up in the corner. In fact, it's the coolest day we've had this month. Paul RiƩs and I took a trot down to the club tonight, and it was really cold out on the terrace. 

I got some of that monsoon on my tummy last week, and I've been leading rather a loose life the past few days, as a result. 

Which is no jocque.

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90 1/2
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Wednesday, July 29, 1908

'member Anna Gould? I learned a lot of new things about her today. Naish explained it all to Besse. It seems she married Boni de Castellane, and got a divorce from him, and then she married this duck named Gould. They murdered a man together down at Monte Carlo, and her husband was hanged, but Anna was let off. Now she's marryin' this Prince de Sagan. 

It beats hell the way these things get spread about, but Naish says he got his tip from a stable boy [[strikethrough]]that[[/strikethrough]] ^[[who]] slept with the horse.