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Monday, November 23, 1908

Well, it was as I thought. Poor old Doleshal left all his earthly worries behind him today. It's too bad, he was such a nice fellow, so obliging and good natured, - a fine chap in every way. If that scoundrelly cousin of his has got a conscience I should think this thing would haunt him for the rest of his days. Poor old Doley! He will never see his wien again.

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Tuesday, November 24, 1908

Doleshal's funeral took place this morning at Maala. Practically all the Cowajer commercial community turned out. He was taken from the hospital on a gun-carriage drawn by a camel, and over the coffin was laid the Austrian flag. There was an escort of six Tommies and a sergeant, who lowered the coffin.

They don't give you much time to get up here. If you cash in before noon you're put to bed with a shovel at sundown. If Doleshal had died an hour earlier he would in all probability have been buried yesterday. Funerals aren't cheerful things, anywhere, - least of all out here.